February 13, 2020 SnyderTalk— “Anybody but Bernie”

“Trust Yahweh with all your heart, and don’t lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

Proverbs 3: 5-6



“Anybody but Bernie”

When the campaign for the Democrat nomination for president got underway months ago, a huge, diverse field of candidates vied for the nod.  Every candidate said that he or she was the person best qualified to defeat President Trump.

One by one, they started dropping by the wayside.  When Cory Booker and Kamala Harris left the race and retired to their Senate seats, Booker accused the Democrat Party of lacking diversity on the debate stage.

Democrat voters examined their options and made their selections. The fact that Democrats rejected the African American candidates was viewed by Booker as evidence of racism.

It’s true that most Democrats are racists, but that’s not racism.  Booker and Harris are out of the mainstream in America, and they lack substance.  Skin color didn’t make them that way, and rejecting them for who they are isn’t racism.  It demonstrated a smidgen of common sense in the Democrat Party.

Pandering to African Americans Hasn’t Worked for Democrats or for African Americans

Pandering to African American voters and making promises that they never intended to keep is racism. Democrats have been guilty of doing that for decades.

Democrats have done a lot of harm to African Americans.  Finally, African Americans are beginning to realize it.

Despite all the negative things we hear about President Trump from African American political leaders, the president has improved the lives of African Americans, Latino Americans, Asian Americans, and every other ethnic group like no president in the last 70 years.

Promises made, Promises kept.

President Trump’s message resonates, because it’s true.  You can’t give people prosperity, but you can create an environment where people can prosper if they apply their talent.  That’s exactly what President Trump has done, and African Americans are prospering like never before.

The Big Three in the Democrat Party Can’t Win in November

Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren all but dead politically, but they haven’t accepted it yet.  They will.

The race for the Democrat nomination has been reduced to three candidates:

Bernie Sanders

Sanders is a communist who calls himself a socialist. In Vermont, he runs for the Senate as an independent, but he caucuses with Democrats in the Senate and runs for president as a Democrat.

They call him “Crazy Bernie” for a reason.  He hasn’t accomplished anything except getting elected in Vermont.  While socialist countries are failing miserably around the globe, Sanders wants to lead the U.S. over the cliff with them.

That message won’t sell in the 2020 presidential election.  Democrat Party leaders know it.

Pete Buttigieg

Buttigieg is an openly homosexual former mayor of South Bend, Indiana. Buttigieg didn’t do anything as Mayor of South Bend that sets him apart.  He is smart and articulate and perverted.  He wants to lead our nation toward an America that he envisions.

Nobody knows for sure what that might be.  We know that it means mainstreaming sodomy, but it could mean just about anything except pro-life.  In Buttigieg’s “big tent” Democrat Party, there is no room for people who believe in the sanctity of human life.  He made that perfectly clear.

Pedophiles?  Buttigieg thinks people are born that way.  Who knows where it goes from there?  Animal lovers want to know.

Buttigieg justifies his sodomy by claiming that Yahweh made him that way.  That’s Buttigieg logic.  It won’t sell in the 2020 presidential election, either.

Amy Klobuchar

Klobuchar is a senator from Minnesota. By Democrat standards, she’s a moderate.

Klobuchar definitely has more common sense than most Democrats, but Democrat higher-ups don’t think she can win a presidential election against a sitting president who has accomplished amazing things despite the best efforts of Democrats across the nation to derail his administration.

Saying “I have a vagina.  Vote for me,” won’t be the winning message in November.  At this point, that’s all Klobuchar can bring to the table.

The Big Three are Abortion Activists

The Big Three Democrat candidates for president have at least one thing in common.  Publicly, all of them support abortion on demand with no restrictions up to natural birth.  For the time being, behind the scenes out of public view they support infanticide.  If they follow the Democrat playbook, their public posturing will morph into support for infanticide over time.

See “Democrat Presidential Candidates Want to Pack the Supreme Court With More Pro-Abortion Judges”.

Then Came Michael Bloomberg

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg can read tea leaves.  He knows that the Democrat Party is in serious trouble in 2020.

Bloomberg has billions of dollars that he is willing to spend, and he knows that he can buy the Democrat nomination in a brokered convention in July in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Unless Bernie or Pete or Amy can win the Democrat nomination outright before July, something that isn’t likely to happen, it will be a brokered convention.  If it’s a brokered convention, Bloomberg will be the Democrat nominee.

Bloomberg has hired more than 2,100 people to run his campaign, and he has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on his election effort already.  It probably will be a brokered convention.

Bloomberg: A Republican who turned Democrat for this election because he thinks he can buy the nomination.

Lesson: You can rent a Democrat, but you can’t buy one.

Anybody but Bernie

Hillary Clinton nailed it when she said, “Nobody likes Bernie.”  As I said, he’s called “Crazy Bernie” for a reason:

  1. He has never done anything.
  2. He’s a bum.
  3. He talks incessantly.
  4. He makes no sense.
  5. He’s a pain in the derrière.

Bernie Backers will Explode in Milwaukee

Bernie backers are crazier than he is.  When the Democrat nomination is stolen from their guy a second time, they will go stark raving mad.

Expect violence in the streets in Milwaukee in July.  Similar scenes may play out in big cities across America when Bernie backers realize that there has been a seismic shift in American politics, and the movement is not in their direction.

Bernie backers are self-absorbed, me first, you owe me kinds of people.  They weren’t disciplined as kids, so they think they can do anything they want with impunity.  They are in for a big surprise.  Ordinary Americans have enjoyed as much of them as they can stand.

Bernie backers really do remind me of Hitler’s Brownshirts.  I’ve been saying that for a long time.  Lately, others have copied me without attribution.  Who cares?  That’s the way things are.

Bernie backer violence will create a gigantiIc backlash.  It won’t work out well for the Democrat Party.

Get Ready for a Battle of the Billionaires

If Bernie wins the Democrat nomination, President Trump will win re-election; the Senate will become more Republican; and the House will revert back to Republican control.  It will be a Republican trifecta.  For Democrats, it will be a landslide loss the likes of which we haven’t seen.

Democrat Party leaders can’t let that happen.  Get ready for a battle of the billionaires: Trump v. Bloomberg.

Michael Bloomberg is mega-rich.  He can buy the Democrat nomination if Democrats are willing to sell it to him.

If Bloomberg buys the Democrat nomination, it will come at a high price.  His nomination will destroy the Democrat Party as we know it.  The dust won’t settle for a generation, and Michael Bloomberg will be the reason why.

Does Bloomberg have enough money to buy a general election?  The answer is “NO!”

In a battle of the billionaires, President Trump will win in a landslide.  President Trump is Yahweh’s man for a time like this, and Yahweh can’t be bought.

I heard someone say, “Michael Bloomberg has more money than God.”

That’s true.  Anyone with a penny in his pocket has more money than Yahweh.  He doesn’t need money.




“The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me. Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.” (John 17: 22-24)

See “His Name is Yahweh”.

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