July 30, 2019 SnyderTalk—The Excrement is About to Hit the Fan

“My holy Name I will make known in the midst of My people Israel.  I will not let My holy Name be profaned anymore, and the Gentiles will know that I am Yahweh, the Holy One in Israel.”

Ezekiel 39: 7



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The Excrement is About to Hit the Fan


Mary Anne Marsh is the person who made that ridiculous statement.  She is one of many Democrats who appear on Fox News from time to time as an “analyst” or a “strategist” or something equally vague.

I have watched Marsh many times. Without fail, she regurgitates the Democrat narrative, whatever it happens to be. When the narrative changes, she sings a different tune.

In Marsh’s world, narrative is the only thing that matters.  Right and wrong don’t exist.  Truth and lies aren’t even afterthoughts.

About Mary Anne Marsh

Below is biographical information on Marsh from the website of Dewey Square Group where she works:

A principal at Dewey Square Group in Boston, Mary Anne Marsh is a nationally recognized political analyst who provides strategic counsel for Fortune 100 companies, non-profits and political campaigns. An expert communicator, Mary Anne plans and executes unique public relations and crisis communications strategies for her clients using quantitative and political analysis to define the debate and deliver the most effective message to put every client in the position to be successful.

Marsh is a spin doctor. She makes up narratives for a living.  They are her products.  She sells them like soap or used cars or the latest miracle cure for all diseases.  She hopes that the American people will buy her spin.

“There’s a sucker born every minute.”

Regrettably, many Americans will buy the lies.  P.T. Barnum explained why.  He said, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

Many Americans are suckers.  They will believe just about anything.  For example, they tell us that President Trump is a racist.  Why?  Because he told the truth about Baltimore.  That’s not being a racist.  That’s doing his job.

They told us that President Trump was a Russian operative.  It took about 2 years and about $40 million to disprove that lie.

It’s all about creating a narrative.  When one lie is exposed, they produce another one.  We’ve seen 2 full years of lie after lie after lie.  Nothing they have said about President Trump is true.  When I say “nothing”, I mean nothing.

The Rest of the Story

Dan Coats is the current Director of National Intelligence. He has been at odds with President Trump for a while. In a few days, Coats will be leaving his job.  He can’t get on-board with the president’s plan, so he needs to go.  It’s as simple as that.

The latest Democrat narrative accuses President Trump of trying to “lock down the intelligence community for his purposes”.  Dan Coats’ resignation is being used to support that narrative.  There is no evidence to support it.  It’s just an accusation, and it comes straight from the mouth of a Democrat spin doctor.

That’s the kind of thing that carnival barkers do to fill their tents with gullible patrons.  It’s all show and no substance.  Smoke and mirrors.  A cheap trick.

Enter Newsweek

Newsweek is trying to sell Marsh’s assertion as a fact.  To buttress its case, Newsweek says that the statement came from a Fox News “analyst”, whatever that means.  Democrat spin doctor is accurate.  Marsh’s association with Fox News is supposed to take readers’ eyes off the deception and lend credibility to her accusation.

It’s pure trickery.

Most Americans don’t know Mary Anne Marsh from Adam’s house cat.  She’s a nobody.  Everybody knows about Fox News.  The false narrative pertaining to Fox News is that it is in Donald Trump’s pocket.  If a Fox News “analyst” says something negative about President Trump, Newsweek thinks it might stick.  A Democrat spin doctor saying something negative about him is par for the course.

After more than 2 years of lies being exposed one after another, the American people are waking up.  It’s getting more difficult every day to play them for suckers.  Newsweek doesn’t know that.  Neither does Mary Anne Marsh.  They are doing what they have been doing all along, and President Trump’s numbers keep rising.

The president’s political enemies have nothing but spin.  That’s why he refers to the establishment media as fake news.  Newsweek is part of the establishment media.  It’s fake news.

The Democrat record is shameful.  They have no accomplishments to brag about.  If they don’t spin a yarn, they have nothing to sell.  The things Democrats call “accomplishments” include things like abortion on demand, partial-birth abortion, gender confusion, mainstreaming sodomy and pedophilia, and a host of other things that are terrible for society.

Like I said, for Democrats, it’s spin or nothing.  Most Americans are decent people.  When ordinary Americans understand the truth about Democrats, it will be lights out for the Party of Depravity.  Thankfully, that’s happening now, and that’s why Democrats are panic-stricken.

The worst for Democrats hasn’t arrived yet, but it’s on the way.

Barack Obama was Actually Guilty

Barack Obama actually did lock down the intelligence community for his purposes. AG Barr’s, IG Horowitz’s, and Judge Durham’s investigations will show that many leaders in the U.S. intelligence community who worked for Obama committed serious crimes possibly including treason.  Some of them will end up in prison.  If justice prevails, some of them will be executed.

There is a growing need among Democrats for narratives that will sell.  Nothing has worked so far.  They are hoping against hope that this one will hit pay dirt.  If not this one, then the next one or the one after that.  They know that a lot is a stake.  They are getting frantic.

Some Democrats are shedding real tears on camera to show how sincere they are.  They are acting.  They are staging photo ops to make what they are saying appear to be heartfelt, but it’s all fake. Every bit of it.  It’s orchestrated, and it’s designed to influence people’s thinking.  It has nothing to do with reality.

The heathens have plenty to be in an uproar about. There will be lots of spin to protect the guilty.  When Barr’s, Horowitz’s, and Durham’s findings are revealed, there will be a flood of spin.  This is just the beginning.  The dam is about to crack and release a torrent.

Get ready. The excrement is about to hit the fan.  It will be fast and furious.  Don’t pay any attention to the spin.  There isn’t a shred of truth in it.

Why did the Children of Israel have to spend 40 years in the wilderness?

Yahweh told us why the Children of Israel had to spend 40 years in the wilderness instead of going straight to the Promised Land.  They lacked faith in Him.  It was a trip that should have lasted no more than a couple of weeks, but it turned out to be the last trip that many of them would ever take.

Okay, but exactly what did they do?

Pay attention.  This is important.

They believed a group of spies who told them that the people living in the Promised Land would slaughter them.  It was spin based on fear.  It was a lie.  Yahweh was their Protector.  They had nothing to fear.

They believed a lie instead of Yahweh.  With 2 exceptions, Joshua and Caleb, every adult who left Egypt died in the wilderness.  Yahweh would not allow them to enter the Promised Land.

Joshua and Caleb rejected the lie.  That’s why they were allowed to enter the Promised Land.

The cost of believing a lie can be much higher than you think.  Yahweh is a loving Elohim, but He is deadly serious about faith and obedience.

Everything we say, do, and think matters.  Some people don’t understand that, and it will cost them dearly.




SnyderTalk Comment:

The problem has only gotten worse, and it will get worse still going forward.  A lot is a stake for Democrats.  Their crimes are about to be exposed.

Expect the worst, because that’s what we are going to see.  What Democrats did makes Watergate look like a church picnic.




“The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me. Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.” (John 17: 22-24)

See “His Name is Yahweh”.

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