May 26, 2019 SnyderTalk— The Excrement is About to Hit the Fan

“From the rising of the sun even to its setting, My Name will be great among the Gentiles,” says Yahweh Sabaoth.

(Malachi 1: 11)



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The Excrement is About to Hit the Fan

See “Trump’s Public Enemies List Is an Impeachable Offense”:

What he and William Barr are doing is potentially worse than anything in the Mueller Report.

Long before becoming president, Donald Trump called for the jailing of his adversaries. Aided by Attorney General William Barr, he may now actually be training the full force of federal law enforcement against his enemies, real or perceived. Unlike Richard Nixon, who acted in secret, Trump is corrupting the justice system openly and publicly.

The seriousness of such a presidential abuse of power, and its potential for undermining the constitutional order, could well surpass any of the crimes detailed in the Mueller Report. Indeed, the Congress long ago recognized that such misconduct can merit impeachment.

Trump’s desire to investigate the investigators who uncovered the Russian plot to elect him president has taken on a special urgency since the release of the Mueller Report, with Trump repeatedly accusing government officials of “treason,” and the White House declaring: “This whole thing was a TAKEDOWN ATTEMPT at the President of the United States.”

Delusion Run Amok

Those are the opening paragraphs of David Lurie’s opinion piece for The Daily Beast.  Lurie is an attorney with Tjong & Hsia LLP in New York.

I will assume that Mr. Lurie is a competent attorney, but that’s all the slack I will give him.  He begins his assault on the president and the attorney general by saying that they are “corrupting the justice system”.

That’s not true.

Candidate Trump was spied on by the FBI with the support of the Justice Department and, one would assume, the approval of the White House.  President Obama must have known what so many people in his administration were doing with the authority he delegated to them.

The CIA and the DIA piled on.  It was a full-scale assault.  Team Obama v. Donald Trump.

They used a fabricated opposition research report that is commonly known as the “Steele dossier” to obtain a FISA warrant and surveil the Trump campaign.  That’s corruption of justice.  David Lurie can’t see it, because, like most Democrats, he’s blinded by Trump-hate.

An Investigation in Search of a Crime to Investigate

The Steele dossier has proven to be void of fact and substance.   Even so, it was the basis for appointing a special counsel to investigate Donald Trump after he was elected President of the United States.

From the get-go, Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his investigative team were on a road to nowhere.  They issued 2800 subpoenas, interviewed almost 500 witnesses, worked for almost 2 years, and spent about $35 million.  They found no evidence of Russia collusion by President Trump or anyone working for him.

Lurie says that the president’s and the attorney general’s actions have the potential to undermine the constitutional order.

That’s hogwash.

The Obama White House, the Obama DOJ, the Obama FBI, the Obama CIA, and the Obama DIA engaged in illegal acts to prevent Donald Trump from winning the GOP nomination and the election.  They were attempting to undermine the constitutional order.

They failed.  Donald Trump won the nomination and the election, and he survived the Mueller witch-hunt.

The House Takes Over Where Mueller Left Off

Now, Democrats in the House of Representatives want to impeach the president.  By not allowing his subordinates to testify before the House Judiciary Committee, the president is refusing to continue participating in the political circus.

I like Rep. Hank Johnson’s (D-GA) explanation about why the Judiciary Committee needs to interview Trump administration officials.  He said, “We don’t have any evidence of an impeachable offense, and we need some evidence to impeach the president.”

That’s not a joke.  I paraphrased Johnson ever so slightly, but it was necessary.  Hank Johnson is not an articulate man.  He’s not a smart man, either.  A smart man would not have said that.

Russia Collusion!  Russia Collusion!  What Russia Collusion?

There was no Russia collusion.  That allegation was patently absurd.  Everybody knew it including Robert Mueller.  His investigation didn’t find a scintilla of evidence to support that charge.

Mueller was not investigating the Hillary campaign.  If he had been, he would have found Russia collusion.  That’s what the Steele dossier is.

The best that Mueller and his team of Hillary supporters masquerading as objective investigators could come up with in their quest to take down President Trump was a list of “offenses” that might be construed as obstruction of justice.  They brought no charges against the president, because they had no evidence that he committed a crime.  AG Barr and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein concurred with Mueller’s conclusion.

Firing FBI Director James Comey was one of those “offenses”.  The president had the right to fire Comey. He also had the justification to fire Comey.  The president’s motive for firing Comey is the only thing that might have led to an obstruction of justice change.

Since President Trump had the right and the justification to fire Comey, second-guessing his motives for firing Comey is laughable.  The other “offenses” listed by Team Mueller in their report are equally questionable.

Why are Democrats so Frantic?

Democrats and their Trump-hater counterparts in the establishment media did their best to prevent Donald Trump’s nomination and election.  They failed miserably, but they engaged in activities that are criminal and treasonous in the process.  The facts supporting those conclusions are about to be made public.

A host of high-ranking Democrats starting with Barack Obama are about to face the music.  The writing is on the wall.  Everybody can see what’s coming.  That’s why Democrats and their toadies in the media are so upset.  That’s why James Comey is on a book tour trying to sway public opinion.  That’s why John Brennan is giving interviews in which he presents his false narrative as the truth.

All of them have a lot to lose.  Some of them are going to be charged with crimes.  Some of those crimes carry the death penalty.

They have good reasons to be frantic.  Some of them are going to need a supply of Depends® before this thing is through.  Hillary will need the extra-absorbent variety.  Comrades Comey and Brennan may need Duct tape.

The President and the Attorney General are Standing on Solid Ground

President Trump and AG Barr have said clearly that they think some mighty strange things happened during the 2016 election. An investigation is underway now inside the DOJ to unearth the facts. IG Michael Horowitz’s report will be the beginning of the revelation process. It should be released in the next few days or weeks at most.

AG Barr also appointed U.S. Attorney Bull Durham from Connecticut to conduct an independent investigation.  He’s just starting.  Durham has a reputation for being a thorough, objective, no nonsense kind of guy.  Democrats are justifiably concerned.

The facts will show that Andy McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Ohr’s wife Nellie, James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, John Brennan, James Clapper, Barack Obama, and a host of others tried to engineer a coup d’état and committed treason in the process.  Democrats are circling the wagons in preparation for the inevitable.

I think several federal judges, all of them Obama appointees, are involved, too, but I’m open to the possibility that they are just flunkies.

President Trump and AG Barr aren’t the problems.  They are being victimized in a publicity campaign that’s designed to obstruct justice, but in the end, justice will prevail.

AG Barr was brought in to restore order in our justice system. For doing his job, he’s a target.  He’s not a lightweight or a newcomer.  You can bet that he will dot every “i” and cross every “t”.  He will leave nothing to chance.  Democrats will cry foul every step of the way because they have nothing to lose and no defense.

The excrement is about to hit the fan.  When it does, the American people will see what Democrats did and are doing to our country.

David Lurie and many others like him in the establishment media are pawns in the game.  They are doing their part by pushing a false narrative.  At this point, that’s all they can do.

One More Thing and It’s a Biggie

IG Horowitz’s report and the eventual report by Bull Durham should tell us something that many of us have wondered about since Jeff Sessions was appointed attorney general.  Was he grossly incompetent, or was he a criminal co-conspirator?

I don’t think there is another explanation for Sessions’ malfeasance.  Either he had no idea what was taking place right under his nose, or he was a participant.

In any event, when this thing is over, Benedict Arnold will look like a piker.







“The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me. Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.” (John 17: 22-24)

See “His Name is Yahweh”.

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