July 22, 2014 SnyderTalk: How America Can Help to Stop the War in Gaza


“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: may they prosper who love you.” Psalm 122: 6


2--SnyderTalk Lead Headline for use


Liel Leibovitz—How America Can Help to Stop the War in Gaza:

Here’s a bit of wisdom that cannot be repeated often enough: Deliberately targeting civilians is a war crime. If you don’t believe me, ask U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, who was adamant on this point last year, when Syria’s president Assad, aided by Hamas’ brethren Hezbollah, engaged in the very same tactics we now see coming out of Gaza, albeit with much more devastating results. And if that’s not enough, consider a regime that targets not only the enemy’s civilians but also its own: Appearing on TV the other day, Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri waxed poetic about the merits of using men, women, and children as human shields, a heinous tactic that puts every civilian in Gaza in needless risk.

The world has repeatedly—and rightly—asked that Israel take measures to protect the civilian population of Gaza. Israel chooses its targets very carefully, and, knowing that Hamas’ cowardly creeps would have likely stacked every strategic building with armfuls of kids, according to the instructions of its leaders, it takes extraordinary measures to provide ample warning before each strike. These include text messages and calls, leaflets dropped from above, and “knock on the roof” measures, or firing flares to signal an upcoming strike. As Will Saletan correctly noted in an article today in Slate, “The worst civilian death toll—seven, at the latest count—occurred in a strike on the Khan Yunis home of a terrorist commander. Hamas calls it a ‘massacre against women and children.’ But residents say the family got both a warning call and a knock on the roof. An Israeli security official says Israeli forces didn’t fire their missile until the family had left the house. The official didn’t understand why some members of the family, and apparently their neighbors, went back inside. The residents say they were trying to ‘form a human shield.’”


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SnyderTalk Comment: I’ve said this before: Israel’s goal should be to eliminate Hamas.  Hamas isn’t a country; it isn’t a people; it’s not a political party; it’s a terrorist organization whose only reason for being is the elimination of Israel.  That’s what they say and pretending that they don’t mean it is absurd and bordering on suicidal.  As long as Hamas exists, it will remain a problem.  The United States should make it crystal clear that our nation supports the complete destruction of Hamas, but that won’t happen because they are President Obama’s Muslim Brothers. (See “General: Muslim Brotherhood inside Obama Administration”)

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SnyderTalk Comment: Yes He does, and the best is yet to come.  Yahweh’s love for Israel is beyond description.






13--Perspectives 2


MK Yariv Levin: Nine years on, paying the price for disengagement— We have now reached the ninth anniversary of one of the most shameful actions every carried out by the State of Israel in its history. Nearly a decade has passed since the terrible day on which the expulsion of the residents of Gush Katif and northern Samaria from their land began. They paid an unbearable personal price when they lost their homes, jobs, supportive communities and, in many cases, their futures. Today, with a majority of Israelis under threat of Gaza rockets, we should remember the courage of the residents of Gush Katif and northern Samaria who sacrificed their safety and put themselves on the frontline against our enemies. Their presence in those areas actually prevented escalations such as the one we are witnessing now.

Peter Huessy: Missile “Diplomacy”: U.S. Not Connecting the Dots— Countries stretching from North Korea through South Asia and into the Middle East are apparently trying to bolster their military capability by building long range rockets capable of coercing, terrorizing or blackmailing their neighbors. In the past month, for example, we have seen Hamas try a new kind of diplomacy, while launching over 1000 rockets at Israel. In Iraq, the terrorist army ISIS, now controlling large swaths of territory in Iraq and Syria, paraded a Syrian Scud missile through the streets of Al-Raqqah, in an attempt to demonstrate its power. In Ukraine, rebels used Russian missiles to shoot down a Ukraine troop transport, killing thirty soldiers. In Syria, rockets launched by Damascus have forced Turkey, a NATO member, to deploy missile defenses to protect its civilian population. And in Iran, Tehran’s leaders have not only dismissed any attempts to curtail their ballistic missile capability as part of the negotiations on their nuclear program, they continue to produce more missiles than any other nation except China.

Lawrence A. Franklin: What if Hamas Had Military Superiority?— The media also does not mention that Hamas leaders have set up their military headquarters beneath hospitals and established arms storerooms in mosques. Would Hamas have tailored its air targeting to avoid as much as possible innocents from becoming casualties? Would Hamas have dropped millions of leaflets to warn civilian residents before staging bombing runs? Or made tens of thousands of phone calls telling non-combatants to flee the areas which are to be attacked, or discriminated between combatants and non-combatants in a ground war, or abided by the Geneva Conventions’ rules for the treatment of prisoners of war? Would the group have arrested the Hamas operatives who murderer Israeli civilians, or investigated “mistakes” that resulted in civilian casualties? The American media, by drawing almost exclusive attention to the wide difference in casualties between Gaza and Israel — a disparity that did not ensue from Hamas’s lack of trying — do a disservice to humane people on the front line of a global war between Islamic extremists and liberal-democratic civilization.

Douglas Murray: The Greatest Possible Problem for Europe—There are now at least twice as many young British Muslims who have gone to Syria to fight alongside ISIS and other such groups than there are fighting for Queen and country here in the British armed forces. The Israel-haters are no real problem for Israel, but they are the greatest possible problem for Europe. The barricades are up again outside the Israeli Embassy in London, as they are across many capitals of Europe. Given that even more rockets than “normal” have been raining down on Israel in recent days, any sane country would need further barricades outside the Israeli embassy in order to contain yet another demonstration of support for Israel. But no, another day in London and another Palestinian-ist and Socialist Worker party protest is going on against the Israeli state. The protestors are not, of course, demonstrating because they especially care about the lives of the people of Gaza. If they cared about the lives of Palestinians — or the people of the region in general — they would have spent night after night outside the Syrian, Iraqi, Jordanian, Turkish, Egyptian and Saudi Arabian embassies, among others. They would be sore from sleeping outside Belgravia townhouses. But they are not. They are fresh and raring for the fight.

Dovid Efune: Making Lies Sound Truthful and Murder Respectable— Trying to make sense of international reactions to Israel’s war against Hamas this week, one was reminded of George Orwell’s famed essay, “Politics and the English Language.” Political language, Orwell writes, “is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable.” And across the board world leaders were almost unanimous. “Foreign Secretary William Hague has repeated calls for an urgent ceasefire between the Israelis and Palestinian group Hamas,” the BBC reported. According to Reuters, “French foreign minister Laurent Fabius said… securing a ceasefire for the Gaza Strip… was a top priority for France.”

Jeremy Rosen: Why America?— Once again I need distraction from the painful world we live in. Who asked Hamas to send salvos of rockets into Israel? Are they doing it intentionally to have casualties to win back public opinion? To prove they are as good jihadis as ISIS? Perhaps Israel should just pack up and ago. Perhaps Islam should never have been founded. Perhaps if we had been better Jews we would never have been exiled two thousand years ago. Perhaps Moses should have stayed in Egypt. The fact is we must deal with a world as it is. Hatred, prejudice and blame will solve nothing. Let’s talk about something else. I was asked to participate in a documentary recently on why Jews have and continue to emigrate to the USA. This forced me to revisit how it is that I have left the country of my birth in the Old World for my present haven in the New.

Timon Dias: “Jihad City”: The Hague— With Western countries as enemies, why would jihadists need friends? In Western Europe, cultural relativism is still the norm. There is no such thing as better or worse, there is only different. One should not consider one value superior to another value, no matter what these values actually are. And it had better be different the way one thinks it should be: not “politically incorrect.” Former Netherlands Chief of Defense Peter van Uhm says that he respects jihadist fighters in Syria because they are fighting for an ideal. That this ideal refutes every Western ideal that he himself holds dear, apparently does not affect his apparent respect for jihadists. Dutch national law, however, has now been subordinated to European Union law.

Michael Curtis: Hamas is Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity— In an interview on Palestinian TV on July 14, 2014, Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority, addressed a question to Hamas. “What” he asked “are you trying to achieve by sending rockets (against Israel)? We prefer to fight with wisdom and politics.” Even if his second statement is dubious, his question was answered by Hamas which parenthetically refers to him as a “criminal” and speaks of him, in what must come as a surprise to Benjamin Netanyahu as a “member of Likud.” The simple answer of Hamas is that it is trying to kill as many Jews as possible and to eliminate the State of Israel. It proclaims, in a bizarre mixed metaphor, it will “raze Israel to the ground, exterminate the cockroach’s nest, and banish all the Zionists.” It is a call for genocide.

Bret Stephens: The Palestinian Blessing— From time to time Israel and her supporters should give thanks for having as enemies the Palestinians and their supporters. As of midday Monday, Hamas had fired more than 1,000 missiles at Israel, aimed more or less indiscriminately, without inflicting a single Israeli fatality. It isn’t every enemy whose ideological fanaticism, however great, is exceeded by its military and technological incompetence. It’s true that much of the incoming fire has been shot down mid-flight by Israel’s Iron Dome, but Hamas must have seen that coming since the defense system was first deployed during the last round of fighting in 2012. It’s as if the French had concluded from the Battle of Agincourt that the English long bow wasn’t as effective as advertised and would surely fail against a more determined cavalry charge.

Adam Levick: Guardian Editor Defends Hamas’s Right to Kill Israelis, AGAIN— During the last war in Gaza two years ago, Guardian associate editor Seumas Milne defended the Palestinian ‘right’ of armed resistance, while arguing that Israel, as the ‘occupying power’, had no such right to defend itself against Hamas (It’s Palestinians who have the right to defend themselves, Nov. 20, 2012). “So Gazans are an occupied people and have the right to resist, including by armed force (though not to target civilians), while Israel is an occupying power that has an obligation to withdraw – not a right to defend territories it controls or is colonising by dint of military power. Now, here is the relevant passage from Milne’s latest op-ed, published today (Gaza: this shameful injustice will only end if the cost of it rises, July 16th) at the Guardian: “So the Palestinians of Gaza are an occupied people, like those in the West Bank, who have the right to resist, by force if they choose – though not deliberately to target civilians. But Israel does not have a right of self-defence over territories it illegally occupies – it has an obligation to withdraw.”






9--Jerusalem Post


Israel warns foreign journalists covering Gaza fighting

Kerry to visit Cairo to forge cease-fire, Obama calls Netanyahu

Bennett: Ground invasion stopped mega-attack

PM to nation: Operation will continue until quiet is restored

Eshkol Council head: Protective Edge will fail if tunnels not destroyed

Netanyahu to Gazans: ‘Hamas wants you to die, don’t die for Hamas’

Gantz: Hamas is sustaining blows ‘every hour’

IDF to hold fire in Gaza’s Shejaia despite Hamas breaking humanitarian truce

80 percent of British Jews report feeling blamed for Israeli actions

Israelis reconsider Turkey travel following demonstrations, Erdogan comments



10--Arutz Sheva


Netanyahu: We’re ‘Turning Back’ the Disengagement

Netanyahu: Anti-Tunnel Operation to End ‘Fairly Soon’

Watch: IDF Blows Up Terror Tunnel

Egypt Summons Turkish Envoy over Gaza Criticism

MK Says: Stop Spreading War Rumors

‘Miracle’ as Rocket Shrapnel Misses Kindergarten

Mofaz Insists Disengagement ‘Saved Lives’

IDF Field Hospital for Injured Palestinians

Livni Asks: ‘Why Destroy Tunnels Before They Were Used?’

SnyderTalk Comment: This is not a joke.  It should be since Livni is Israel’s Foreign Minister.  I’m shocked, mortified, and angry that she would say such a foolish thing.  Maybe her close ties to Barack Obama helps to explain her lack of judgment.

Kerry Blasts Israel in Hot Mic Moment

SnyderTalk Comment: I think that Secretary Kerry speaks with a forked tongue.  It’s impossible for him to wiggle his way out.  Of course, he could explain it this way: “I didn’t say what I just said.”  Don’t laugh because he’s done that before, or something very much like it.








A full-scale invasion looms

Bloody Sunday

Egypt blocks aid convoy from reaching crossing with Gaza

UN agency handed rockets back to Hamas, Israel says

Hamas ‘stubbornly’ refuses ceasefire as IDF extends truce

Thousands flee as Gaza death toll climbs above 400

Envoy says US will work to get Abbas back ruling Gaza after conflict over

IDF set to open field hospital for wounded Gazans

Cops wounded, dozens arrested at Paris anti-Israel rally

Sudan editor attacked after calling for Israel ties



12--Other News


Israel’s UN Ambassador Says There Are More Hamas Missiles at UNRWA Facilities

Hamas Instructs Social Media Legions: ‘Anyone Killed or Martyred is to Be Called a Civilian’ and ‘Don’t Forget to Always Add ‘Innocent Civilian”

Worst death toll in 5 years, [IDF] soldier Shaul Aaron reported kidnapped

The Middle East Friendship Chart

Who Is Killing Palestinian Children?

Kerry offers more evidence Russia provided missile that downed jet

Putin Pressured, U.S. Says Missile From Russia Downed Jet

In court of public opinion, Putin goes on trial

Jewish Activist in Turkey Blames Erdoğan’s Incitement for Violence Against Jews as Israeli Diplomats Withdrawn

Turkish PM: Israel has ‘surpassed Hitler in barbarism’

SnyderTalk Comment: Erdogan is full of something and it’s not wisdom.




SnyderTalk Comment: This is the real Hillary Clinton.



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I have created an email distribution list that I use to notify people when I post a new SnyderTalk.  If you would like to be on that list, send your email address to nhsny@yahoo.com, and put “add me to your distribution list” in the subject line.  If you know others who are interested in SnyderTalk content, tell them to send me their email address, and I’ll put them on the list.


4--Scripture of the Day Yahweh

Genesis 19: 30-38

30 Lot went up from Zoar, and stayed in the mountains, and his two daughters with him; for he was afraid to stay in Zoar; and he stayed in a cave, he and his two daughters. 31 Then the firstborn said to the younger, “Our father is old, and there is not a man on earth to come in to us after the manner of the earth. 32 Come, let us make our father drink wine, and let us lie with him that we may preserve our family through our father.” 33 So they made their father drink wine that night, and the firstborn went in and lay with her father; and he did not know when she lay down or when she arose. 34 On the following day, the firstborn said to the younger, “Behold, I lay last night with my father; let us make him drink wine tonight also; then you go in and lie with him, that we may preserve our family through our father.” 35 So they made their father drink wine that night also, and the younger arose and lay with him; and he did not know when she lay down or when she arose. 36 Thus both the daughters of Lot were with child by their father. 37 The firstborn bore a son, and called his name Moab; he is the father of the Moabites to this day. 38 As for the younger, she also bore a son, and called his name Ben-ammi; he is the father of the sons of Ammon to this day.

SnyderTalk Comment: Most of the lands of Moab, Ammon, and Edom are in what we call Jordan today.  Actually, Jordan’s border stretches to the Land of Midian.  Read His Name is Yahweh.


SnyderTalk Comment: Read Ezekiel 25 to see what Yahweh said about these countries.


5--HNIY Print form 3

His Name is Yahweh explains why the Name of God, Yahweh, is so important.  It’s available in eBook format and in paperback.  It’s also available for free in PDF format.

  • God also said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘Yahweh, the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.’ This [Yahweh] is my name forever, the name by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation.” (Exodus 3: 15)
  • “Therefore behold, I am going to make them know—this time I will make them know My power and My might; and they shall know that My name is Yahweh.” (Jeremiah 16: 21)
  • “Behold, the days are coming,” declares Yahweh, “when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch; and He will reign as king and act wisely and do justice and righteousness in the land.  In His days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell securely; and this is His name by which He will be called, ‘Yahweh our righteousness.’” (Jeremiah 23: 5-6)
  • Yeshua said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.” (John 8: 58)


6--His Name is Yahweh Audio Presentation 5


Yahweh is the Name of God Forever

Click here to download the entire audio presentation for free and with no strings attached.  Share it as often as you want.



14--Blessings from Revelation 2

Blessings in the Book of Revelation is a book that you need to read, especially now.  There are blessings throughout the Scriptures but Revelation is the only book in the Bible actually containing a specific blessing for reading it. It’s repeated twice, once at the beginning and again at the end. This is the reason that I believe Revelation should be the first step toward studying biblical prophecy. Though not easy to do, Revelation can be broken down and understood by anyone, not just the academic elite. So, Revelation’s blessings are for everyone.  Click here to order the eBook.  Click here to order the paperback.


Other Books by Neil Snyder

  • Stand! is a suspense novel that exposes the lies, corruption, and greed underlying the theory that man-made CO2 emissions are responsible for global warming.  Professor Wes Carlyle and Karen Sterling, his research collaborator, carefully scan the audience for their would-be attacker—a member of the enviro-gestapo who has been following them for days.  Wes spots his man in the back of the room leaning against the wall.  Suddenly, another man in the audience steps forward and moves toward Karen at a menacing pace.  With a vicious stroke, he swings a billy club at her head.  Click here to order the eBook.  Click here to order the paperback.
  • What Will You Do with the Rest of Your Life? deals with a question that every Christian has to consider: what should I do with my life?  Click here to order the eBook.  Click here to order the paperback.
  • Falsely Accused is a true story about a young woman who was accused of committing a double homicide.  It’s about a travesty of justice, and it reveals Yahweh intervening in the life of a believer to rescue her from danger in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.  Everyone will enjoy the book, but young people in particular need to read it because the mistakes made that led to the problem could have been avoided.  They were the kinds of mistakes that young people are prone to make.  As they say, forewarned is forearmed.  Click here to order the eBook.  Click here to order the paperback.

15--Concentric Circles 5

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