March 23, 2013—SnyderTalk Lead Headline: Moses in Human Rights Garb

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2--SnyderTalk Lead Headline Danielle


Steve Apfel: Moses in Human Rights Garb—The liberation of a people from slavery. No wonder Passover is a time when aficionados of human rights feel drawn to play a modern day Moses. ‘Let my people go!’ The festival, they think, comes around to prod Israelis to realize they’ve become the Pharaoh their prophet once entreated. Let the persecuted Palestinians go free. As your people cried in Egypt long ago, hear the cry of the people you occupy. Let them become a nation. So entreats a devotee of human rights – an Israeli.



8--How to Read SnyderTalk


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4--Scripture of the Day

Daniel 3: 16-18

Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego replied to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to give you an answer concerning this matter. If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.”


5--HNIY Print form

His Name is Yahweh explains why the Name of God, Yahweh, is so important.  It’s available in eBook format and in paperback.  It’s also available for free in PDF format.

  • God also said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘Yahweh, the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.’ This [Yahweh] is my name forever, the name by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation.” (Exodus 3: 15)
  • “Therefore behold, I am going to make them know—this time I will make them know My power and My might; and they shall know that My name is Yahweh.” (Jeremiah 16: 21)
  • “Behold, the days are coming,” declares Yahweh, “when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch; and He will reign as king and act wisely and do justice and righteousness in the land.  In His days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell securely; and this is His name by which He will be called, ‘Yahweh our righteousness.’” (Jeremiah 23: 5-6)
  • Yeshua said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.” (John 8: 58)


6--His Name is Yahweh Audio Presentation


Is it legalistic to pay too much attention to God’s Name?

Click here to download the entire audio presentation for free and with no strings attached.  Share it as often as you want.

6--Freely You Received Freely Give



Hosea 4: 6

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.


3--News Content in SnyderTalk


9--Jerusalem Post


Harsh weather conditions disrupt Obama’s plans in Israel

Obama’s Israel visit leaves Arabs upset

How would Obama’s speech play in Ramallah?

Palestinians disappointed with Obama

Hezbollah slams Obama call for terrorist designation

Obama unveils credible threat against Iran: Israel

Acre mayor Lankry shot in chest, moderately hurt

EU budgets 7m. euros for PA development of Area C

Obama, Israel and cyber warfare

Obama meets Sderot rocket victim for 2nd time

Watching Obama at Rabin Square



10--Arutz Sheva


Obama: Israel Means No New Holocaust

Bennett to CNN: Words Don’t Stop Centrifuges

Report: Israeli Kidnapped in Sinai

Feiglin: Obama’s Speech ‘Brilliant’ – but Full of Junk

Temple Groups Practice Passover Sacrifice

 Steinitz: Obama Won’t Interfere in Defense

Response to Rockets: Gaza Fishing Zone Halved

Iran’s Supreme Leader: We’re Open to Direct Talks

UN to Investigate Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Registers as NGO



11--Israel Hayom


Charging for his charm

From Obama’s speech, some left inspired, others less so

Iran Tango Foxtrot

Iran’s supreme leader: We’ll destroy Tel Aviv and Haifa 

The day after Obama

The Uncle Sam doctrine

Rolling in the deep

Acre mayor shot in apparent assassination attempt 

Peres grants Obama the Presidential Medal of Distinction



12--Other News


A Virtual Tour of Jewish Development in Historic Jerusalem (Video)

American President Barack Obama’s Speech in Jerusalem (Video)

Obama Tells Israelis “Peace is Necessary,” Urges Youth to “Claim the Future”

Sderot Victim of Gaza Rocket Attack: “My Eight Year Old Daughter and My Wife Are Terrified”

Magen David Adom Chief: We Will be Able to Deal with Unseen Emergencies

Obama and Netanyahu Show Unusual Solidarity

Obama Uses His Egyptian Disaster to Argue That Israel Should Trust the Terrorists

Obama’s Cynical Jerusalem “Used Car” Speech

Obama Claims Israel has a Partner in Abbas, Abbas Says He’s Just Like Hamas 

Palestinian Arabs to Obama: “We Don’t Want Anything Peaceful, Only Bullets and Missiles”

Obama compares Israel/”Palestinian” conflict to U.S./Canada relationship

Obama tells “Palestinians” to cut out the genocidal jihadist rhetoric and rocket attacks — no, wait…

Israel Extends Obama Effusive Welcome on Historic Trip

U.S., Israel Concerned about Iran Plutonium Reactor

Rockets Hit Israel as Obama Visits

Al-Qaeda Operative Charged for Terrorism Offenses Against Americans Overseas 

Al-Qaeda Veteran Charged in New York

U.S. Poll: 64% Say Military Action Preferable to an Iranian Nuke 

Video: Islamic Slavery in Sudan Alive and Well

Jewish-Owned PR Firm Working for Saudi Arabia

Cyprus MPs due to vote on new plan

Xi Jinping embarks on Russia visit

Brazil doctors back abortion reform

UN to probe N Korea rights abuses

Catholic Bishops: Administration Persists With ‘Unjust and Unlawful Mandate’

American Academy of Pediatrics Announces Support for Same-Sex Marriage

TSA agents ‘humiliated’ wounded Marine with aggressive inspection

As Air Traffic Control Towers Close, FAA Hiring ‘Community Planners’

New Report: 48 Percent of First Children Born to Unwed Mothers

Was Colorado Prison Chief Murdered for Refusing to Free Saudi Rapist?

Aurora Theater Shooter James Holmes Reportedly Converts to Islam in Prison





Tovah Lazaroff: Who really controls the Temple Mount?— “Is it God, Obama or Uri Ariel who now controls building on the Temple Mount?” asks Attias at changing of the guard ceremony. Is it God, Obama or Uri Ariel who now controls building on the Temple Mount? The question was raised in a tongue and cheek fashion Tuesday as Ariel and former Construction and Housing Minister Ariel Attias held a changing of the guard ceremony in Jerusalem.

Todd Starnes: Professor Makes Students “Stomp on Jesus”— A Florida Atlantic University student said he was suspended from class after he refused a professor’s directive to stomp on a piece of paper with the word “Jesus” written on it.

Warren Goldstein: Open letter to Obama— Dear President Barack Obama, Your presidency is already historic. Now, you are faced with a real opportunity to redeem the nations of the world from their shameful complicity in the first Holocaust, and to save humanity from a second one, and thereby forever strengthen the forces of life, freedom and democracy.

David M. Weinberg: First love, then war?— Is Obama smothering Israel with affection in order to clobber us with ultimatums?

Ruthie Blum: Obama’s speech impediment— The hand-picked left-leaning audience at Obama’s Jerusalem address didn’t care that he was skewing the truth, as long as they could bask in his glow.

Dan Margalit: What can Obama accomplish?— A comprehensive peace agreement can’t be achieved, but perhaps Israel and the Palestinians can reach an interim deal.

Eyal Zisser: Burden of proof is on the Palestinians— U.S. President Barack Obama’s addresses in Ramallah and Jerusalem made it clear to the Palestinians that Washington expects them to assume responsibility for their own destiny.

Yoram Ettinger: Between Cairo and Jerusalem— Is President Barack Obama learning from history by avoiding the crucial errors of his 2009 visit to the Middle East?

Gonen Ginat: Obama’s visit reshuffled the deck— For weeks, Israel’s best news commentators spewed doomsday prophecies about Obama’s loathing for Netanyahu. But then Obama came with love.

P. David Hornik: War of Words in the Middle East—Obama backs Palestinians; Khamenei threatens Israel.

Joseph Klein: Obama Embraces Hamas-Replica Abbas—A futile meeting reveals once again why the Palestinians are no partners in peace.

Arnold Ahlert: The War For Oil Myth—America won the war in Iraq, but China got the oil.

Rabbi Berel Wein: Contemporary Slavery Masquerading as Freedom— If only modern day Egyptians and other Arab Springers would have mastered the lessons of the Exodus.

Giulio Meotti: Pro Israel, or Useful Idiots?— What it takes to be a “pro Israel” liberal and what will make you politically incorrect. “I want to see the end of most of the settlements. I want to see land swaps”, declared Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz at the Project Nuremberg Lawyer’s Luncheon at Temple Beth El of Boca Raton. The “pro Israel” mainstream, to which Mr. Dershowitz belongs, is a useful idiot, as Lenin used to call those gullible liberals who excused totalitarian enormities in the name of goodwill.

Ron Ben-Yishai: Behind the Obama Visit—Washington is seeking to create an axis of stable Sunni countries to counter the Iran-led radical Shiite axis, which is seeking hegemony in the Middle East – with Israel as a quiet partner in this axis. For the sake of this cooperation Obama will likely ask Netanyahu to show restraint and calm in the Palestinian arena and ask Abbas to refrain from attempting any empty diplomatic provocations that will anger Israel and foment unrest in the territories.

Jonathan Tobin: Both Right and Left May Be Wrong About Obama’s Jerusalem Speech— Obama’s Jerusalem speech about the virtues of a two-state solution is no more likely to produce one than the one George W. Bush gave in 2002 when he became the first U.S. president to officially endorse the creation of a Palestinian state. Then, too, Bush couched his support for the concept in a context of Israeli security and Palestinian rights (though Bush also endorsed Palestinian democracy, a point that Obama wisely avoided since Abbas is now serving in the ninth year of a four-year term). But while Bush’s heartfelt support helped encourage then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to withdraw from Gaza (a colossal blunder that has worsened the country’s security and that neither Netanyahu nor any other Israeli leader will repeat in the West Bank), it did nothing to move the Palestinians. For all of his rhetorical brilliance, Obama’s chances of succeeding where Bush failed are minimal.

Michael Oren: Why Is Obama Going to Israel?—The U.S. is economically, militarily and strategically engaged in the Middle East. And Israel keeps chaos from completely engulfing the area. Without Israel, jihadist forces which have killed Egyptians in Sinai and fired rockets at Jordan would spread unchecked as far north as Lebanon.

Nathan Diament: Obama Embraces Biblical Israel—After landing in Israel on Wednesday, President Obama explicitly invoked and embraced the Jewish people’s historic footing in the Holy Land, dating back to biblical times. “I know that, in stepping foot on this land, I walk in the historic homeland of the Jewish people….More than 3,000 years ago, the Jewish people lived here….The founding of the Jewish State of Israel was a rebirth – a redemption unlike any in history.”

Dan Diker: Pressuring the PA—The Palestinians continue to refuse to return to the negotiating table with Israel without preconditions. Both Fatah and Hamas officials have issued threats of violence during President Obama’s visit and say they are weighing a third intifada. Obama can still prevail upon the Palestinians to stop the vicious incitement against Israel, stop refusing to negotiate peace with Israel, hold free and fair elections and stop threatening the U.S. administration when it offers to help Palestinians achieve stable political independence.

The White House: Obama in Jerusalem: “The Security of Israel is Non-Negotiable”— Israel’s security needs are truly unique, as I’ve seen myself….I’ve walked through Israeli homes devastated by Hizbullah rockets. I’ve stood in Sderot, and met with children who simply want to grow up free from fear. And flying in today, I saw again how Israel’s security can be measured in mere miles and minutes. As President, I’ve, therefore, made it clear America’s commitment to the security of the State of Israel is a solemn obligation, and the security of Israel is non-negotiable.

John King: Walking through Ramallah and Gaza, Political Differences Become Real—In Ramallah, West Bank, there are fancier cars and more economic activity than when I last visited five years ago. There are also posters and protests critical of President Obama. In Gaza City, a billboard reminds you only fools get optimistic about prospects for peace here…

Edward Bernard Glick: Eleanor Roosevelt talks about her husband and the Holocaust—In 1958, Eleanor Roosevelt, the widow of Democratic President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, told me about her husband and the Holocaust.

Moshe Averick: Jewish Anti-Semites Finally Come Out of the Closet— No kids, the problem is not Saudi Arabia, where practicing any religion other than Islam is punishable by death; the problem is not the murderous and tyrannical regime in Syria that has murdered tens of thousands of its own citizens (imagine what they would do to Jews!); the problem is not Jordan, where selling land to Jews is a capital crime; the problem is not Iran whose leader has vowed to inflict a nuclear Holocaust on the world; the problem is not Egypt whose fanatical Moslems assassinated the first Arab leader to make peace with Israel and is now ruled by a Moslem Brotherhood whose mantra is Jihad! Jihad! Jihad!, and the problem is certainly not the Palestinian Arabs whose only innovative contributions to mankind have been plane hijackings, murder of Olympic athletes, suicide bombers, and whose greatest hero – Yasser Arafat – is the godfather of all radical Islamic terrorism in the world. In other words, the Arabs/Palestinians/Moslems are not expected to live up to any of the ideals of justice and morality expressed in exhortations of the prophet Jeremiah. They are permitted to routinely engage in “politics of exclusion” (try wearing a cross or Star of David necklace in Saudi Arabia) and “ethnic cleansing” (any Christians left in Bethlehem these days?).

Yiftah Shapir: How Many Rockets Did Iron Dome Shoot Down?— A number of articles published recently in Israel and abroad have questioned the actual number of rockets shot down by Iron Dome during Operation Pillar of Defense. The source of these articles is a study conducted by Professor Theodore Postol, a well-known expert at MIT, together with Israeli researcher Dr. Mordechai Shefer and an unnamed engineer from Raytheon. The report contends that Iron Dome was able to intercept only 5 percent of all the rockets fired at Israel during Operation Pillar of Defense in November 2012, a far cry from the 87 percent success rate boasted by Israel.

Abraham H. Miller: San Francisco’s Jewish Leadership Embraces Their Personal Jihad—When buses of the San Francisco Municipal Railway began sporting ads announcing Pamela Geller’s retort to CAIR’s, this is my jihad as campaign, the local Jewish community leadership practically stampeded over itself to denounce her.

Richard Rives: Christians hunting for “goddess” eggs—Video commentary.

Alex VanNess: China and U.S. Debt—Our financial liabilities regarding China are bad enough as they stand. But what if there is a plan behind it?

Ed Driscoll: Jay Leno Reported Out at ‘The Tonight Show’—Jay Leno wins in the ratings by maintaining a semblance of Johnny Carson’s apolitical style. No wonder hyper-partisan NBC wants him out.

Next Generation: Europe Attempts to Tax Bank Accounts in Cyprus. Is America Next?—Europe devised a Cyprus bank bailout that imposes a tax on bank deposits. Will America enact similar policies? Allen B. West delivers a commentary for Next Generation on the Cypriot financial crisis, and how it relates to the American debt crisis.

Frank J. Fleming: Why Not Just Put the Entire Federal Budget on Credit?—Let’s finally open our arms really wide and embrace our massive debt, swiping the big government credit card to pay all our bills. We’ll have generous entitlements that are completely tax-free, and the only problem will be some growing number no one really pays attention to. What could possibly happen?

Bryan Preston: The Perpetual Campaign: How Obama’s Left-Wing Partisans Plan to Invade and Destroy Texas— Texas and California stand as similar states heading in very different directions. Both are territorially large and boast large urban centers and robust high-tech industries. Both are racially diverse. Both have extensive coastlines and large energy and agribusiness industries. Both share borders with Mexico and have outsized economies. If either California or Texas were their own country, they would rank in the global top 20 and outmuscle most other countries on earth.

Paula Bolyard: When Teachers Act Like Thugs ‘for the Children!’— When the substitute teachers arrived at the Strongsville police station for background checks, striking teachers greeted the “SCABS” with aggressive screaming and taunting. The applicants had to be escorted into the building by police officers.

Richard Fernandez: The Inscrutable Barack Obama—An even larger genie, Graham argues, is now being freed in Syria and is demanding a plan to secure the Assad arsenal. According to CBS News: “Amid unconfirmed allegations of a chemical weapons attack in Syria, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., is demanding a plan to secure chemical weapon sites in the country – even if it means sending in U.S. troops, according to Foreign Policy. Graham expressed grave concerns about the prospect of ‘chemical weapons in Syria falling in the hands of extremists,’ and said in an interview with Foreign Policy today ‘Americans need to lead on this issue.’”

Michelle Malkin: Dumb and Dangerous: America’s Fast Pass for Saudi Arabia— It’s business as usual in the post-9/11 world. Your federal government is back to pandering to wealthy travelers from Saudi Arabia. In the eyes of our massive homeland security apparatus, the comfort of Saudis is a higher priority than the safety of American citizens. And thanks to reckless, feckless bureaucrats who fear being labeled “racists,” “xenophobes” and “Islamophobes,” political correctness remains the handmaiden of terror.

Daren Jonescu: Please Do Not Adjust Your Child—The American public education system is a machine designed to destroy young minds and characters. How can we assure that children prevail over it?

Fay Voshell: The Abolition of Sex—Our children are being brainwashed into believing their sexual identity is a completely arbitrary matter — a leveling so extreme that all distinctions are rendered null and void: the dead end of egalitarianism.

Rick Averill: Universal Background Checks: the Liberal Holy Grail—Was Senator Feinstein’s assault rifle ban only a Trojan Horse for universal background checks?

Richard Winchester: Repeal the Current Tax Payment Act of 1943—A sure method of concentrating taxpayers’ minds on precisely how much of their income is seized, spent, and wasted by government at all levels.

Daniel Greenfield: An American Cyprus?—Everyone is scrambling to salvage what they can from an unsustainable system — are we next?

Jack Kerwick: Richard Dawkins’ Amateur Philosopher Syndrome—A look at the self-delusion of scientists who appoint themselves authorities on religion and morality.

Mark Guarino: Steubenville’s troubling question: Is sexual violence just a part of ‘hook-up culture’?— The rape of a teenage girl at a series of parties in Steubenville, Ohio, last August — and the vindictive attacks against her on social media that followed — are raising troubling questions about whether too many of today’s youth are so desensitized to sex and sexual imagery that rape is becoming an accepted part of a “hook-up culture.”

Emma Young: Depriving yourself: The real benefits of fasting— A new surge of interest in fasting suggests that it might indeed help people with cancer. It could also reduce the risk of developing cancer, guard against diabetes and heart disease, help control asthma and even stave off Parkinson’s disease and dementia. Many of the scientists who study fasting practice what they research.



14--Blessings from Revelation

Blessings in the Book of Revelation is a book that you need to read, especially now.  There are blessings throughout the Scriptures but Revelation is the only book in the Bible actually containing a specific blessing for reading it. It’s repeated twice, once at the beginning and again at the end. This is the reason that I believe Revelation should be the first step toward studying biblical prophecy. Though not easy to do, Revelation can be broken down and understood by anyone, not just the academic elite. So, Revelation’s blessings are for everyone.  Click here to order the eBook.  Click here to order the paperback.


Other Books by Neil Snyder

  • Stand! is a suspense novel that exposes the lies, corruption, and greed underlying the theory that man-made CO2 emissions are responsible for global warming.  Professor Wes Carlyle and Karen Sterling, his research collaborator, carefully scan the audience for their would-be attacker—a member of the enviro-gestapo who has been following them for days.  Wes spots his man in the back of the room leaning against the wall.  Suddenly, another man in the audience steps forward and moves toward Karen at a menacing pace.  With a vicious stroke, he swings a billy club at her head.  Click here to order the eBook.  Click here to order the paperback.
  • What Will You Do with the Rest of Your Life? deals with a question that every Christian has to consider: what should I do with my life?  Click here to order the eBook.  Click here to order the paperback.
  • Falsely Accused is a true story about a young woman who was accused of committing a double homicide.  It’s about a travesty of justice, and it reveals Yahweh intervening in the life of a believer to rescue her from danger in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.  Everyone will enjoy the book, but young people in particular need to read it because the mistakes made that led to the problem could have been avoided.  They were the kinds of mistakes that young people are prone to make.  As they say, forewarned is forearmed.  Click here to order the eBook.  Click here to order the paperback.


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