SnyderTalk Editorial: The time is right for the Israelis to exert the control they have over Jerusalem.


Jeremiah 12: 14-17

Thus says Yahweh concerning all My wicked neighbors who strike at the inheritance with which I have endowed My people Israel, “Behold I am about to uproot them from their land and will uproot the house of Judah from among them.  And it will come about that after I have uprooted them, I will again have compassion on them; and I will bring them back, each one to his inheritance and each one to his land.  Then if they will really learn the ways of My people, to swear by My name, ‘As Yahweh lives,’ even as they taught My people to swear by Baal, they will be built up in the midst of My people.  But if they will not listen, then I will uproot that nation, uproot and destroy it,” declares Yahweh.


“For here we are not afraid to follow the truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it.” (Thomas Jefferson)


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Jeremiah 8: 16-18—From Dan is heard the snorting of his horses; at the sound of the neighing of his stallions the whole land quakes; for they come and devour the land and its fullness, the city and its inhabitants.  “For behold, I am sending serpents against you, adders, for which there is no charm, and they will bite you,” declares Yahweh.  My sorrow is beyond healing, my heart is faint within me!





“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4: 6)

News Items of Interest:





The time is right for the Israelis to exert the control they have over Jerusalem.

In June 1967, during the Six Day War Israel regained control of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount for the first time in almost 2,000 years.  Following the burning of the Temple by the Romans in 70 A.D. and the Bar Kochba Rebellion in 135 A.D., Jewish people still had a presence in Jerusalem and the surrounding area, but their numbers were seriously diminished.  Those who didn’t flee lived as outcasts or slaves in their own country.

After taking back Yahweh’s eternal city in 1967, a political decision was made by Moshe Dayan to allow Muslims to control day-to-day activities on the Temple Mount.  From a human perspective, his motive made sense, but from Yahweh’s point of view, it was disgraceful.  Dayan was trying to deny Muslims the opportunity to expand the nature of the war from Jews vs. Arabs to Jews vs. Muslims.  By giving Yahweh’s avowed enemies control over the most holy site in the world, he thought he had accomplished his goal.  Forty-four years later, we know exactly what that decision brought about – nothing but incitement, provocation, and bloodshed.

Today Jews and Christians are forbidden to pray on the Temple Mount, and if the Muslim authorities catch Jews or Christians praying on the Temple Mount, they are subject to removal or arrest and detention.  If you are a believer, that prohibition is laughable because you don’t have to lay a rug on the ground and kiss the dirt to pray.  All a believer has to do is talk with Yahweh.  It can be done audibly or silently.  It doesn’t matter because Yahweh knows our hearts, and He hears and answers our prayers regardless of our circumstances.  I’ve visited the Temple Mount many times, and I have never failed to pray there.  I have been forbidden to take certain pictures on occasion; I have been followed by Muslim security guards from time-to-time who wanted to see what I was up to; but I have never been removed or arrested.  It might have surprised the guards following me to discover that I was praying for them.  Exactly what I prayed is between Yahweh and me.

In October 2004, I was in Israel with a group of believers preparing for the Herzliya Conference in December 2004.  The day before we were to return to the United States, we were in Jerusalem.  Since it was warm, I decided to sleep on the patio in the open air.  During the night, on several occasions the wind kicked up and rain started falling.  The showers were brief and light so I didn’t get too wet, but the frequent interruptions of my sleep made it a not so restful night.  The last shower came just before dawn, and I decided that I might was well pray.  I was wide awake and alert, and in the middle of my prayer loudspeakers on the tops of minarets at local mosques started bellowing out the first chanted prayers of the day.  Suddenly, in the middle of my prayer I said, “Yahweh, You can do something about this.  They are in Your holy city blaring out prayers to their god.  Please put a end to it.”  I did one more thing.  I said, “Yahweh, I’m leaving this morning.  Please show me a sign before I leave that You have heard my prayer, something dramatic so I can’t miss it.”

Following breakfast that morning, one of my traveling companions and I were on a sherut from Jerusalem to Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv.  As we were approaching the airport, the PA system in the sherut switched from soft music to a news report in Hebrew.  I didn’t know enough Hebrew to understand what was being said, but it created quite a stir among the Israelis who were traveling with us.  I asked one of them what was going on, and she turned to me and said, “Yasser Arafat is dead.”

As I said, Yahweh hears our prayers, and He answers them in His way and according to His timetable.  The time is right for the Israelis to exert the control they have over Jerusalem.  Pretending that they can placate radical extremist Muslims in their midst by giving them day-to-day control over the most holy site on the face of the planet hasn’t worked.  It’s time for a change.





Israeli Uncensored News




The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs







“We have the greatest opportunity the world has ever seen, as long as we remain honest – which will be as long as we can keep the attention of our people alive. If they once become inattentive to public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, judges and governors would all become wolves.” (Thomas Jefferson)


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His Name is Yahweh:

There is a wealth of material available for free download on including the book His Name is YahwehHis Name is Yahweh is also available at Amazon on Kindle for just $5.  If you haven’t read His Name is Yahweh, you should.  The importance of Yahweh’s Name is becoming more apparent with each passing day.

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