Jeremiah 5: 20-22—“Declare this in the house of Jacob and proclaim it in Judah, saying, ‘Now hear this, O foolish and senseless people, who have eyes but do not see; who have ears but do not hear. Do you not fear Me?’ declares Yahweh. ‘Do you not tremble in My presence? For I have placed the sand as a boundary for the sea, an eternal decree, so it cannot cross over it. Though the waves toss, yet they cannot prevail; though they roar, yet they cannot cross over it.’”


The Word of Yahweh:

Thus says Yahweh concerning all My wicked neighbors who strike at the inheritance with which I have endowed My people Israel, “Behold I am about to uproot them from their land and will uproot the house of Judah from among them.  And it will come about that after I have uprooted them, I will again have compassion on them; and I will bring them back, each one to his inheritance and each one to his land.  Then if they will really learn the ways of My people, to swear by My name, ‘As Yahweh lives,’ even as they taught My people to swear by Baal, they will be built up in the midst of My people.  But if they will not listen, then I will uproot that nation, uproot and destroy it,” declares Yahweh. (Jeremiah 12: 14-17)


“For here we are not afraid to follow the truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it.” (Thomas Jefferson)


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Jeremiah 5: 20-22—“Declare this in the house of Jacob and proclaim it in Judah, saying, ‘Now hear this, O foolish and senseless people, who have eyes but do not see; who have ears but do not hear.  Do you not fear Me?’ declares Yahweh. ‘Do you not tremble in My presence?  For I have placed the sand as a boundary for the sea, an eternal decree, so it cannot cross over it.  Though the waves toss, yet they cannot prevail; though they roar, yet they cannot cross over it.’”





“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4: 6)

News Items of Interest:






“We have the greatest opportunity the world has ever seen, as long as we remain honest – which will be as long as we can keep the attention of our people alive. If they once become inattentive to public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, judges and governors would all become wolves.” (Thomas Jefferson)


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President Obama has a bad habit of avoiding the straight, simple truth.

Yesterday, President Obama finally put the birther issue to rest by producing his long form birth certificate for everyone to see.  That doesn’t mean that there won’t be any more arguing back-and-forth at the fringe, but most people are now satisfied.  That said, I wonder why the president played the birther issue for all it was worth, the same way an adolescent child tries to fool his buddies into believing things about him that are not true.  It may be entertaining on the playground, but it’s annoying in the Oval Office.

You can’t blame sane people for raising the birther issue since Obama has made several comments over the years about Kenya being the country of his birth.  If you think he hasn’t said or implied that he was born in another country, YouTube has video of him doing it.  He’s done similar things with his Christian faith, or is it his Muslim faith?  YouTube has videos of that obfuscation too.  President Obama has degrees from Columbia and Harvard.  Surely he knows how to use the English language.

President Obama was off the mark when he said this about the birther issue yesterday: “We can’t be distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers.”  The only person responsible for the distraction was Obama himself.  Time was wasted on a meaningless issue since he didn’t put it to rest.  He could have settled the matter at any time by simply producing the long form birth certificate.  Why did he wait until Donald Trump made it a national political issue and his polling data showed that it was resonating with the electorate?  Could it be that our president is good at political games but not good at actually running a country?

President Obama is too slick for his own good, and it might backfire on him because people don’t know when to believe him.  He seems to delight in mystery and intrigue, but most Americans would rather have a straight shooter as president.  After 2 years in office, this much is clear.  President Obama has a bad habit of avoiding the straight, simple truth – even when telling the truth would work to his advantage.  Leaders around the globe are beginning to reject him for that very reason, and a growing number of Americans are turning against him too.

This SnyderTalk editorial was first published as an American Thinker blog on April 28, 2011.


Natural Healthcare Store, Live the Natural Life!TM

If you haven’t been there already, you should take the opportunity to visit Natural Healthcare Store.  Each product selected for sale at Natural Healthcare Store undergoes rigorous research to make sure that it is the highest quality at an affordable price.

Natural Healthcare Store carries skin care, hair care, and oral care products.  Be sure to check out the Dead Sea products imported from Israel and support the Israeli economy with your purchases.  Natural Healthcare Store carries makeup, deodorant, and detoxification products.  It also carries supplements, weight loss products, and loose leaf tea.  Rounding out its product mix, Natural Healthcare Store carries natural household cleaning products.

Katie and I believe strongly in healthy living, and we use the products.  We’re proud to say that our daughter Melanie owns the store.






Richard Rives with Just the Facts

Today many define Christianity by the writings of the so called “Church Fathers” – men who based what they wrote on the traditions of their day – traditions which by that time were far from the faith of those who walked and talked with Christ. Let’s take a look at what one of those men had to say in reference to the sun god Mithra.

Tertullian, a second century Christian writer, states that Mithraism had imitated Christianity and attempts to defend the sign of the cross – a known Mithraic symbol. The pagans of Tertullian’s day knew that the sign of the cross was an image that had been adopted from the worship of pagan gods. Having been challenged, Tertullian, in his work known as Apology, attempts to explain:

“…If any of you think we render superstitious adoration to the cross, in that adoration he is a sharer with us……. We have shown before that your deities are derived from shapes modeled from the cross. But you also worship victories, for in your trophies the cross is the heart of the trophy. The camp religion of the Romans is all through a worship of the standards, a setting the standards above all gods. Well, those images decking out the standards are ornaments of crosses. All those hangings of your standards and banners are robes of crosses.”

In another work entitled Prescription Against Heresy, Tertullian indicates that the Mithraists placed a symbol similar to that in use among Christians upon their foreheads.

“The question will arise, By whom is to be interpreted the sense of the passages which make for heresies: By the devil, of course, to whom pertain those wiles which pervert the truth, and who, by the mystic rites of his idols, vies even with the essential portion of the sacraments of God. He, too, baptizes some that is, his own believers and faithful followers; he promises the putting away of sins by a laver (of his own); and if my memory still serves me, Mithra there, (in the kingdom of Satan) set his mark on the foreheads of his soldiers.”

Even though the pagans of his day knew full well that the cross had been a pagan symbol in use for centuries before the time of Christ, Tertullian states that “…the devil imitates even the main parts of our divine mysteries,” and “has gone about to apply to the worship of idols those very things of which the administration of Christ’s sacraments consists.”

The sign of the cross was not a Christian symbol among the first century believers that had walked and talked with Christ. It was a well known Mithraic symbol. Tertullian was right about one thing. The attempt to corrupt the truth can be traced directly to the “wiles of the devil.”

Earnestly contending for the faith once delivered to the Saints:
I’m Richard Rives with Just the Facts.



His Name is Yahweh:

There is a wealth of material available for free download on including the book His Name is YahwehHis Name is Yahweh is also available at Amazon on Kindle for just $5.  If you haven’t read His Name is Yahweh, you should.  The importance of Yahweh’s Name is becoming more apparent with each passing day.

Available on Amazon Kindle and it can be downloaded at