Isaiah 37: 21-22—Then Isaiah the son of Amoz sent word to Hezekiah, saying, “Thus says Yahweh, the God of Israel, ‘Because you have prayed to Me about Sennacherib king of Assyria, this is the word that Yahweh has spoken against him: She has despised you and mocked you, the virgin daughter of Zion; she has shaken her head behind you, the daughter of Jerusalem!’”

Shalu shalom Yerushalayim: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. (Psalm 122: 6)


“For here we are not afraid to follow the truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it.” (Thomas Jefferson)


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Scripture of the day:

Isaiah 37: 21-22—Then Isaiah the son of Amoz sent word to Hezekiah, saying, “Thus says Yahweh, the God of Israel, ‘Because you have prayed to Me about Sennacherib king of Assyria, this is the word that Yahweh has spoken against him: She has despised you and mocked you, the virgin daughter of Zion; she has shaken her head behind you, the daughter of Jerusalem!’”


“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4: 6)

News Items of Interest:





























His Name is Yahweh—for those who want to make presentations:

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You’ll need PowerPoint 2007 to use the file.  I don’t think it works properly with older versions of PowerPoint.  You’ll also need to read His Name is Yahweh.  When you’re with a live audience, questions inevitably arise that go beyond the presentation.  Reading His Name is Yahweh will prepare you to deal with the questions they ask and many questions they don’t know to ask.  Below is the file for His Name is Yahweh in PDF format:

You have my permission to copy and share this material as often as you want.  In addition, it will be available permanently in the Pages on the right.  That will make it easy to share with your friends.  You can even give an impromptu presentation to anyone anytime.  Just click on the Page titled “His Name is Yahweh—for those who want to make presentations”, and you’re good to go.  All you need is an Internet connection—either broadband or mobile broadband.  May Yahweh bless you as you do your work.


Climate Change Update:


by Ken Haapala, Executive Vice President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)

Although the Kerry-Lieberman American Power Act (APA) appears dead, Senator Reid announced he will introduce yet another version of cap-and-tax this month by any other name. But both the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and EPA have produced studies showing that cap-and-tax will be economically harmful. The CBO report is a solid, prudent review of three studies: Resources for the Future, Brookings Institution, and CRA International. All report that significant declines in total employment will result from APA. Strangely, Brookings makes the unrealistic assumption that all nations, including China, India, and Brazil, will adopt carbon dioxide control measures even if the US does not.

In spite of its harmful consequences, with the worst year-long unemployment rate since 1982, cap-and-tax continues to reappear. To understand why, it is useful to further examine APA to grasp the financial incentives involved. Most macroeconomic studies (economy-wide) do not examine the incidence of the tax (who actually pays the tax) and, correspondingly, the incidence of the subsidy (who reaps the benefits).   A study by Chamberlain Economics does. (See Paying for the ‘American Power Act’: An Economic and Distributional Analysis of the Kerry-Lieberman Cap-and-Trade Bill”)

APA establishes allowances for carbon dioxide emissions which decline every year. Part is sold at auction to establish a controlled range of prices and part is distributed free to favored industries that can be sold or traded, ideally within the controlled range of prices. Using the mean of estimated prices in APA, Chamberlain Economics estimates the value of the of the part distributed free during the 2013 to 2034 life of the program as $2.1 Trillion—about the amount of total Federal revenues in 2009. The largest beneficiary is the electricity industry to the tune of $870 Billion.

Politicians claim the value of the free allowances to the electricity industry will then flow to the consumers of electricity. Chamberlain uses established microeconomic theory backed by empirical studies to show that much of the value will flow to the shareholders of the companies that are generally in the highest income group. Thus, the entire scheme results in a massive transfer of wealth from the lower and middle income groups to the wealthy. No wonder Duke Energy declared cap-and-trade will give share holders a $1,000,000,000 (Billion Dollar) profit.

Very interestingly, the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) industry, basically non-existent with an unproven technology, receives $246 Billion in free allowances—twice the 2009 budget for California. Given the sheer volume of carbon dioxide involved, it is highly unlikely that CCS will ever become viable. [As a side note, Lord Oxburgh, the chairman of the third “independent” British commission investigating Climategate, is also honorary president of the British Carbon Capture and Storage Association. (The Carbon Capture & Storage Association)]

Using EPA numbers and established models from government agencies such as the U.S. Bureau of Economic Statistics, Chamberlain estimates the cap-and-trade decline in employment would be 716,000 by 2020 and 5.1 million by 2050. The estimated decline in wages would be $32 Billion by 2020 and $236 Billion by 2050.

Unlike far too many studies of this type, the authors recognize that these estimates have great uncertainty and can only be considered as orders-of-magnitude approximations rather than precise estimates.

Recent Climate Change Articles:

An Invitation: Fred Singer is extending a personal invitation to attend his lecture next Thursday July 22, 2010 at 4 PM at Rockefeller University, 1230 York Avenue, New York, NY 10065.  The title of the lecture is Climate Change ReconsideredIf you plan to attend, please RSVP to him at so he can give the guard at the gate your name and provide you with details as the exact location as well as a summary of the lecture.


His Name is Yahweh:

There is a wealth of material available for free download on including the book His Name is YahwehHis Name is Yahweh is also available at Amazon on Kindle for just $5.  If you haven’t read His Name is Yahweh, you should.  The importance of Yahweh’s Name is becoming more apparent with each passing day.

Available on Amazon Kindle and it can be downloaded at