“Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.”

The Old City of Jerusalme Wall
The Old City of Jerusalme Wall

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“For here we are not afraid to follow the truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it.” Thomas Jefferson

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My Response to a Comment

A good friend commented on yesterday’s SnyderTalk.  He said:

“For those familiar with the promises of Yahweh to the Fathers, the distinctions He makes are critical. Jews are one of twelve tribes destined for inheritance. Where did Yeshua say He was sent, to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel? He said I have two flocks.  There are two sticks. When we blur those distinctions it is because we are still walking in blindness of “all Israel was blinded.” The prophets are clear and Yeshua is clear.  He is going to restore and re-gather both Houses of Israel at the latter days, at the time of Jacob’s Trouble and He will rule over the House of Jacob forever. Look to the Gen. 49 record. The Gospel of the Kingdom is only fulfilled when He restores and re-gathers into one and clearly that has not happened….The distinctions He makes are not understood. Yahweh has a right of return and that puts Him in opposition to any and all that will seek to block the tribes from coming back when He whistles to come from the N S E W. The majority view makes the same mistake not taking Yahweh at His word.  Twelve gates for twelve tribes and that is the inheritance of the Set Apart ones. Anything else perpetuates a lie and keeps people in a delusion. All Jews may be Israelites but not all Israelites are Jews! And those there better quit moving the boundaries and giving away the portion belonging to Joseph because he is coming back and not just his bones or a bloody tunic.”

My friend is right.  In yesterday’s post, I referred incorrectly to the Jewish people instead of the whole House of Israel (i.e., all of the descendants of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob…not just Judah) because people today commonly refer to the Children of Israel as Jews even though Judah (Yehuda) is one of twelve tribes.  Unfortunately, many times I use common language since my audience is very broad.  Rather than taking the time to explain the truth that my friend emphasized, I simply said “Jewish people” and got on with my point.  Please don’t hesitate to correct me.

FYI, I don’t bury my corrections the way newspapers do.  I put them right out front for everyone to see.  That’s exactly what Thomas Jefferson had in mind when he said, “For here we are not afraid to follow the truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it.”  Thanks Larry.

Today’s Feature

  • Genesis 3: 14-15—“Because you (the serpent) have done this, cursed are you more than all the cattle, and more than every beast of the field; on your belly shall you go, and dust shall you eat all the days of your life; and I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise Him on the heel.” http://www.hisnameisyahweh.org

“Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.”

“We are not a nation that indulges in anger. But let me tell you a story. My ancestors in ancient Egypt suffered slavery and degradation. If you had asked who has the greater chance of surviving the millennia, the Israelite slaves or the Egyptian empire, everyone would have laughed at you. But all that is left of the Egyptian empire is relics in the British Museum, and we, the Jewish People, are still here. And this holds true for all the mighty empires of the world, from the Babylonians to the Romans. The great Roman Empire killed hundreds of thousands of Jews. The Emperor Titus built a victory arch in Rome to commemorate the conquest of the Jews. I moved through the Arch of Titus going from Hitler’s concentration camps on our way to freedom. Hitler claimed to give the world ‘the final solution.’ He even built a museum in Prague to exhibit the artifacts of the extinct Jewish people. But his ‘thousand-year Reich’ survived 12 years, and we Jews are still here.”

That lengthy quote above comes from one of today’s articles—Déjà-Vu: A Tisha B’Av wake-up call from Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis.  You need to read it because it points to a fundamental truth.  Yahweh will fulfill all of His promises.  No nation or group of nations can stop Him.  In other words, you had better get onboard with Yahweh’s plan or you will suffer the consequences.  That’s what the facts of history tell us…despite the rantings of lunatics like Adolph Hitler, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and the Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

In the history of the world, no nation has ever been able to alter Yahweh’s promises even slightly.  So why would any nation, especially the United States of America…a so-called “Christian nation,” even want to try?  In the end, as Rebbetzin Jungreis pointed out, the descendants of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob have survived and thrived despite many attempts over thousands of years to wipe them out.  As my friend suggested, many people today who don’t even know it belong to the House of Israel.  Because they have not been raised as Jews, they have been protected so far from all the anti-Semitism that Judah has been forced to endure.

Now think about this.  When the British Mandate began in 1920, as the saying went, the sun never set on the British Empire.  The British treated the Jewish people in Israel (it was called Palestine at that time) miserably and carved up their land among the Arab peoples leaving the Israelis only a tiny, indefensible sliver of land.  Today there is no British Empire; England is just an Island; and Israel’s borders have expanded to defensible levels.  Coincidence?  Hardly!  As George Santana said, “Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.”

Three World-Class Lunatics

Hitler Saluting

Adolph Hitler

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 2

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

Today’s Events Shaping Our World

U.S. and Western Hemisphere

Fat lady 1

“Healthcare smelthcare.  Where’s the Golden Corral?”

If you love pistachios and baklava, try them together.  That’ right…pistachio baklava.  Gulluoglu Baklava makes the tastiest baklava you’ve ever put in your mouth.  Katie and I became acquainted with the company while visiting Istanbul, Turkey, and we loved it.  Thankfully, they have a store in Brooklyn, NY so you can telephone them (1-718-645-1822) or order over the Internet and get overnight delivery.  If you want to impress some important guests or just want to make your family and friends happy, serve them Gulluoglu pistachio baklava for desert.  You’ll be glad you did, and they will too.  Surf their website for other mouthwatering treats.  For your information, they are opening their second store in the New York area in Manhattan at 982 2nd Avenue.  If you live or work in Manhattan, get ready.  They should be open in about 10 days.

Gulluoglu Baklava

Israel and Middle East

Hamas chief Khaled Meshal

Hamas chief Khaled Meshal

Here’s a question for you.  How can you tell when Hamas leader Khaled Meshal is lying?  Answer: His lips move.  Okay, it’s not original, but it’s applicable and appropriate.  I wonder how much money he has diverted for personal use.  Hamas raises a lot of money.

Can you believe those idiotic murdering thugs?  Nobody believes them.  They don’t even believe each other.  I suppose the West did these things too:

Iran 1

Mullah Justice 5Iran 2

Iran 3

Sharia Justice 2

China, Russia, India, and Asia-Pacific

If you haven’t been to Turkey, you should go there.  In the Bible, Izmir is called Smyrna.  It’s referred to in Revelation 1: 11 and Revelation 2: 8.  Katie and I have visited Izmir.  It’s near Ephesus.

Europe and Africa

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