Monthly Archives: July 2009

Haphazard should be Obama’s middle name. It typifies everything he does. Introducing on this blog for the first time the President of the United States of America…Barack Haphazard Obama.

The Old City of Jerusalem Wall
The Old City of Jerusalem Wall

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“For here we are not afraid to follow the truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it.” Thomas Jefferson

July 29, 2009

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Today’s Feature

Haphazard should be Obama’s middle name.  It typifies everything he does.  Introducing on this blog for the first time the President of the United States of America…Barack Haphazard Obama.

Obama is afraid that house members will talk with their constituents during their month long break and come back to Washington prepared to fight against him.  That’s what happens when voters speak out against nonsensical legislation.  From Obama’s perspective, they’re simply gumming up the works.

The so-called “stimulus bill” taught thinking people a lesson.  They shoved that one down our throats, and it turned out to be anything but what we were told.  To date, only a small portion of that money has been spent, and most of the “shovel ready” projects the president told us about are still in limbo.

The Chinese stimulus package actually worked.  They put money into the hands of the people.  I guess that’s the communist way of doing things…or is that the capitalist way?  I guess I’m confused.  Maybe Obama chose the communist approach.  It looks like Obama’s real goal is to grow government, and coincidentally he did more to bankrupt this nation in a matter days than George Bush did in 8 years.  That’s saying a lot because Mr. Bush was not fiscally responsible.  Mr. Obama knows that.  He’s told us about it often enough.

Obama is wrong.  This really is about him, and he didn’t inherit this mess from George Bush.  Healthcare legislation is too important to handle in a haphazard fashion.  I think haphazard should be Obama’s middle name.  It typifies everything he does.  Ladies and gentlemen, introducing on this blog for the first time the President of the United States of American…Barack Haphazard Obama.  It has a ring to it, don’t you think?

Check this site out:

88529465AW007_OBAMA_EXTENDSWould you buy a used car from any one of these people?

Today’s Events Shaping Our World

Video: Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC)—Put Brakes on Obama Now

When congress recesses, please take the time to contact your representative and tell him/her what you think.  Make your voice heard.

U.S. and Western Hemisphere

Israel and Middle East

Mohammad Khatami 2Don’t forget.  Khatami is a moderate.

China, Russia, India, and Asia-Pacific

Europe and Africa