The U.S. is giving the Palestinians $200 million. We’re running a trillion dollar deficit, so how are we going to pay for that $200 million gift? The answer…we’ll borrow it. Our children and our grandchildren will be paying the interest on that debt from now on.

The Old City of Jerusalem Wall
The Old City of Jerusalem Wall

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“For here we are not afraid to follow the truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it.” Thomas Jefferson

July 30, 2009

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Today’s Feature

The U.S. is giving the Palestinians $200 million.  We’re running a trillion dollar deficit, so how are we going to pay for that $200 million gift?  The answer…we’ll borrow it.  Our children and our grandchildren will be paying the interest on that debt from now on.

Did you know that when Yasser Arafat died he was a billionaire?  That’s right, and every leader in the world knows how corrupt the PA and Hamas are.  They feather their own nests with our money, keep their people living in squalor, and use pitiful pictures of the plight of their people to raise even more money.  Reports routinely indicate that large sums of money going to the Palestinians can’t be unaccounted for.

Here’s a question for you.  Why don’t you hear more about these things in the mainstream media?  There has to be a reason.  And why haven’t we heard President Obama talk about it?  He’s had plenty of opportunities to bring it up.

Just keep these things in mind as we pressure Israel to make concessions to the Palestinians.  They lie; they cheat; and they steal.  At the end of the day, the only thing we know for sure about the Palestinians is that they want to destroy Israel, and we know this because they tell us.  So why are we giving them money?

Today’s Events Shaping Our World

Video: Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC)—Put Brakes on Obama Now

When congress recesses, please take the time to contact your representative and tell him/her what you think.  Make your voice heard.

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