Monthly Archives: November 2019

November 21, 2019 SnyderTalk—Democrats want to Impeach President Trump for telling President Zelensky to “Do the Right Thing”

“My holy Name I will make known in the midst of My people Israel.  I will not let My holy Name be profaned anymore, and the Gentiles will know that I am Yahweh, the Holy One in Israel.”

Ezekiel 39: 7



Democrats want to Impeach President Trump for telling President Zelensky to “Do the Right Thing”

I’ve figured out what’s going on in the impeachment hearings and why Democrats are hopping mad.

Congress allocated funds for Ukrainian security that included Javelin anti-tank missiles. While he was president, Barack Obama put a hold on those funds. Congress said nothing and did nothing about it.

When President Trump took office, he reviewed the interagency effort to determine if Ukrainian officials had done enough to deal with corruption in their country to justify releasing those funds. While our president was engaged in his review, Ukraine elected a new president who had campaigned on a platform that included wiping out corruption.

The new Ukrainian president had been a comedian. He had no experience in government. President Trump is well-aware of corruption in Ukraine. So is everybody else in Washington.  Roots of the Russia collusion hoax were deeply embedded in Ukraine. President Trump knew that Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, engaged in Ukraine corruption to enrich himself. He was aided and abetted by his father.

President Trump is skeptical about U.S. foreign aid in general, but because of its notorious reputation for endemic corruption, he’s particularly skeptical about foreign aid to Ukraine.  President Trump asked Ukraine’s newly elected President Zelensky to make a good faith effort to address corruption by investigating Ukrainian involvement in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. That necessarily involved Joe and Hunter Biden.

So, this is the alleged “quid pro quo” that Rep. Adam Schiff has been talking about for weeks:

President Trump asked President Zelensky to make a good faith effort to root out corruption in Ukraine before he would release funds that had been withheld by President Obama.

That’s what the impeachment hearings are all about.  The fact that Ukraine corruption involves prominent Democrats is beside the point, and the fact that Joe Biden is running for president is irrelevant.

Quoting Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton, “No one is above the law.”

Ambassador Gordon Sondland Reveals the “Smoking Gun”? Get Serious!

Yesterday, Gordon Sondland, United States Ambassador to the European Union, dropped a “bombshell” during his opening remarks to the impeachment hearing by referring to a “quid pro quo”:

After Sondland’s opening remarks, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff called for a short break, excitedly ran to a bank of cameras outside the hearing room in the U.S. Capitol, and made these remarks:

Later, during questioning, Sondland clarified is opening statement when he gave details about his conversation with President Trump:

Ambassador Sondland to President Trump: “What do you want from Ukraine? I keep hearing all these different ideas and theories. What do you want, what do you want?”

President Trump to Ambassador Sondland: “I want nothing. I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. Tell Zelensky to do the right thing.”

Ambassador Sondland’s testimony was far from perfect.  He has a bad habit of saying things that he doesn’t mean and of confusing his presumptions with facts.  In an impeachment hearing, those problems are deadly.

Watching the exchange below troubled me greatly.  Sondland appears not to have a clue how incongruous some of his testimony was.  If anyone looked confused and bewildered, he did:

Democrats want to Impeach President Trump for telling President Zelensky to “Do the Right Thing”

There you have it.  The smoking gun that Adam Schiff raved about during his impromptu press briefing yesterday was President Trump telling Ambassador Sondland to tell President Zelensky “to do the right thing”.

If it were possible to humiliate Adam Schiff, that would have done it, but he was undaunted.  He continued parroting his quid pro quo/extortion/bribery narrative.

Adam Schiff is just another run-of-the-mill Democrat politician.  He will say and do anything to advance his agenda no matter how wrong it is. Impeaching a president for doing his job is no problem from Schiff and his Democrat accomplices.

Ordinary Americans are waking up and paying attention.  That’s bad news for Democrats.

President Trump is Doing the Right Thing

Until now, no U.S. president has done anything substantive to deal with corruption in Ukraine. President Trump did what others before him couldn’t or wouldn’t do. When he was satisfied that U.S. taxpayer dollars were protected, President Trump released the funds to Ukraine.

Democrats in Congress who completely ignored President Obama’s withholding funds that they say are so crucial for Ukraine’s security are now trying to impeach President Trump for insisting that Ukraine take corruption seriously before releasing them. Those funds have been released.

I can’t help but believe that Democrats in Congress are more concerned about fellow Democrats being exposed as crooks than they are about President Trump doing his job the way any decent person would.

I have a strong hunch that a serious investigation in Ukraine will reveal more American citizens who are involved in Ukraine corruption. All the Ukrainian investigators need to do is follow the money.

Draining the Swamp Isn’t Easy

During his campaign, President Trump promised to “drain the swamp”. He’s doing it. The swamp rats are running scared, and they are hopping mad. That’s why they want to impeach President Trump.

For me, it’s not even a close call. I trust President Trump to do his job the way it should be done.

President Trump isn’t perfect.  I know that.  He’ll make mistakes, but his heart is in the right place. In the end, he does the right thing.

That is not true for Democrats.  I don’t trust Democrats enough to let them walk my dog.  Their behavior over the last 3 years proves that Democrats can’t be trusted:

Reading Between the Lines

Ambassador Gordon Sondland does not know President Trump well. He said as much.

Even so, I believe he made a big deal about his “relationship” with the president in his dealings with others in government including the witnesses in the impeachment hearing who testified about Sondland and his testimony.

Dr. Fiona Hill is a perfect example.  Sondland used his “relationship with the president” to put her in her place, and she resented it.  She said as much.

The people Sondland dealt with did not understand the facts about Sondland.  They thought he was close to the president.  They thought he spoke for the president.  They were wrong.  Sondland spoke for himself, and he made a lot of “presumptions”.

A presumption is an assumption.  On many occasions, Sondland did not testify about what he knew.  He testified about what he thought he knew.

It’s not wrong to report what you think, but it is always wrong to report what you think as though it’s a fact unless you know it’s a fact.

Lt. Col. Vindman had the that problem in spades. That was painfully obvious. I think he can’t distinguish between facts and his opinions. That’s why I was shocked that anyone in the Army would recommend him for the National Security Council.

In business, academia, and politics, this old adage applies: Assume makes an “ass” out of “u” and “me”.


The standing rule is in business, academia, and politics is “Don’t Assume Anything”.  Verify everything.

I’ll leave it at that for now.  More to follow.




SnyderTalk Comment:

To this day, House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff continues to say that President Trump colluded with the Russians during the 2016 presidential campaign even though Special Counsel Robert Mueller exonerated the president after an investigation that involved a team of Democrat investigators, took more than 2 years to complete, and cost U.S. taxpayers about $40 million.

The impeachment hearings that are now underway are Schiff’s attempt to do what Mueller couldn’t do.  Schiff is determined to impeach President Trump no matter what.  He won’t let the lack of evidence stand in his way.

An Aside

President Trump refers to Adam Schiff in many ways. One of those ways is “Pencil Neck” Adam Schiff.

That puzzled me. Looking at Schiff, I don’t think he has a “pencil neck”. I think he has a big head, literally and figuratively.

The fact that Schiff’s head is too large makes his neck look too small by comparison.  I’m not making fun of the congressman.  That’s just an observation.

I think President Trump should start calling Schiff “Big Head” Adam Schiff.  It’s true literally and figuratively.




“The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me. Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.” (John 17: 22-24)

See “His Name is Yahweh”.